I've been meaning to blog about this cover when I heard this on Andrew's Tumblr last year but I didn't know how to embed it on my own blog so I forgot about it. Haha. Recently though, Andrew's been releasing more songs online so I thought of asking his girlfriend, Anj (http://savetheempty.tumblr.com) if I could blog about his covers. She gave me a file of it and I uploaded it on Youtube for a much friendlier sharing experience for everyone. :)) Andrew and Anj are good friends of mine when I joined Cue last year. That was when I got really impressed with Andrew because of his singing and acting chops. Adding another feather on his cap is the fact that he is a scholar in DLS-CSB. I don't know about you but I'm just floored by talented people. Support him by going over his websites:

http://andrewflorentino.bandcamp.com/ (you can listen to more songs here)

[P.S.: Oh another cool trick taught to me by Ariana is to type the word "repeat" after "youtube" and before ".com" to redirect to a auto-loop service online. =)) Less hassle than to click Replay.]

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