JUMPER movie

i saw the Jmuper Trailer first last night...
and boy did i get super excited about this movie!
in our biology class we studied about genetics and we discusses genetic modified organisms.
so this moive really tickled my senses when it deals about a young man (Hayden Christensen) who has genetic abnormalities and early on in his life he discovers that he can.. teleport himslef... isn't that cool or what? but he uses it for the wrong reasons and he thinks there are no consequences for his actions. he ends up knowing that there are other "jumpers" like him and it has existed for many centuries already. however, a certain group of "jumpers" known as Paladins (headed by Roland: Samuel L. Jackson) are out to destroy powerful jumpers like him!!! waah!! Rachel Bilson also stars in this film... judging from the trailer the movie is really something to feast your eyes on.. you would see many famous places and i just wonder how lucky i must be to be able to teleport myself right now in.. let's say.. spain? tokyo? cairo? haha... for all of you out there... it's a uber sci-fi flick coming in theaters near you this FEBRUARY 14, 2008!

i hope it's nothing like X-men or Heroes then i guess ...it's worth the wait!!!!!!
click here to know more about the movie.


Anonymous said...

The filming style of Jumper made me feel like i myself was jumping around, which was cool. Also Christensen’s lines were as short as possible, which was ideal for the movie’s overall quality.

Anonymous said...

patrick who?
my tito patrick or patrick who is my friend? (huh?)

anyway, i just watched the movie last night with my friends! I like the concept of the story. Anything about teleporting gets my vote! hehe....

by the way the movie presents itself i bet there will be a sequel. or a trilogy perhaps. who knows? :D

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