I love CW!


That is my dilemma because I absolutely love 90210 and I don’t know how to get it across so much so that you will go out of your way just to watch it online. IFF you find it!!! Ha-ha! The newer and fresher spinoff of Beverly Hills 90210 premiered last Tuesday and it gained more audience than Monday night’s Gossip Girl Season 2 premiere in the States. Obviously, I watched the show online but still the fact that everybody is crazy about it makes me not any different! I am not immune to the craze!

Its first episode would really just make your jaws drop! It makes you relate to it, express disbelief, and just become involved.
90210 is really at par with Gossip Girl in terms of how it makes you wish you were there some times. :)) I would not talk anymore because I’m sure you would hate me if I will spoil it. Moving on, the first ep of GG didn’t disappoint either.

“All the expected ingredients were there: gorgeous teens, lots of style and extravagance, raging hormones, and always the potential for backstabbing, broken hearts and payback. Same old, same old at West Beverly Hills High School.”– AP

Before I end this post:

"That’s what blogs are supposed to do cause problems…” –Silver:D

I like Jessica Stroup’s (from Prom Night) character here, primarily because she’s a blogger too and this time she isn’t anonymous. First she is really quirky (which is how I would describe myself ...if ever) and she owns up to everything that is on her blog . Perfect! I swear if there was a male counterpart/version of her character that would be me. The major difference is that: “I just couldn’t trash some people the way that she does.” Ha-ha. My blog is more discreet compared to hers that’s a given. ;) But what if I changed my whole blog scheme????? (NAH!)


Anonymous said...

Lorenz! I watched Gossip Girl on CW! I didn't get to watch 90210 coz I was studying but I got to watch the premiere of ANTM the next day (this week is full of premieres!)

I also went to San Francisco and I went to the Kidrobot store.. after that I went to Urban Outfitters (http://jeddddd.multiply.com/photos/album/3).. I feel like we should switch places coz it's like I'm doing what you wanna do.. :))

Anonymous said...

is this your postsecret? it looks like your style of drawing and I know how Hollywood obsessed you are :)


...and congrats on your 200th post!

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